Friday, March 27, 2020 Doorways and Doors

Articles need to know!!! #vestibule Doorways and Doors
12) A vestibule located in a barrier-free path of travel shall be arranged to allow the movement of wheelchairs between doors and shall provide a distance between 2 doors in a series of not less than 1200mm plus the width of any door that swings into the space in the path of travel from one door to another.

Thursday, March 26, 2020 Manual Stations

Articles need to know!!! #firealarmsystem Manual Stations
1) Except as permitted by Sentence (2) and (3), where a fire alarm system is installed, a manual station shall be installed in every floor area near
a) every principal entrance to the building, and
b) every exit.
2) In a building that is sprinklered throughout, a Manuel station is not required at an exterior egress doorway from a suite that doesn't lead to an interior shared means of egress in a hotel or motel not more than 3 storeys in building height, provided each suite is served by an exterior exit facility leading directly to ground level.
3) In a building that is sprinklered throughout, a manual station is not required at an exterior egress doorway from a dwelling unit that does not lead to an interior shared means of egress in a building not more than 3 storeys in building height containing only dwelling units, provide each dwelling unit is served by an exterior exit facility leading directly to ground level.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020 Direction of Door Swing

Articles need to know!!! #dirctionofexitdoor Direction of Door Swing
1) Except for doors serving a single dwelling unit and except as permitted by Sentence (2) and Article, every exit door shall
a) open in the direction of exit travel, and
b) swing on its vertical axis.
2) Exit doors need not conform to Sentence (1), where
a) they serve storage garages serving not more than one dwelling unit,
b) they serve accessory buildings serving not more than one dwelling unit,
c) they
i) serve storage suites not more than 28 sqm in area that are on the first storey in warehousing buildings, and
ii) open directly outdoors at ground level, or
d) they serve individual self-service storage units referred to in Section 3.9.

Saturday, March 21, 2020 Distance between Exits

Articles need to know!!! #exteriordischarges Distance between Exits
4) the distance between 2 exterior discharges of exit stairs serving the same floor area shall be:
a) not less than 9m, or
b) not less than 6m, where
i) the building is sprinklered throughout, and
ii) the 2 exterior discharges are located within 15m of a street.

Thursday, March 12, 2020 Exterior Passageway Exceptions

Articles need to know!!! hashtagExitseparation Exterior Passageway Exceptions 1) The requirements of Sentence (Fire resistance rating of Exit Separation) and (1) and (3) (Protection of Exit Facilities) don't apply to an exterior exit passageway provided a) not less than 50% of the exterior side is open to the outdoors, and b) an exit stair is provided at each end of the passageway

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Articles need to know!!! #exitwidth

Articles need to know!!! #exitwidth Exit Width Reduction

1) Except as permitted by Sentence (2) and (4), no fixture, turnstile or construction shall project into or be fixed within the required width of an exit.
2) Swinging doors in their swing shall not reduce the required width of exit stairs or landings to less than 750mm or reduce the width of an exit passageway to less than the minimum required width.
3) Doors shall be installed so that, when open, they do not diminish nor obstruct the required width of the exit.
4) Handrails and construction below handrails, including handrail supports and stair stringers, shall not project more than 100mm into the required width of a means of egress.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Articles need to know!!! hashtag#interconnectedfloorspace

Articles need to know!!! hashtaginterconnectedfloorspace Exceptions to Special Protection 6) An interconnected floor space need not conform to the requirements of Article to, provided a) it consists of the first storey and the storey next above or below it, but not both, b) it is sprinklered throughout or, where the building area is not more than one half of the area permitted by Subsection 3.2.2., the openings through the floor are used only for stairways, escalators or moving walks, and c) It contains only Group A, Division 1, 2 or 3, Group D, Group E, or Group F, Division 2 or 3 major occupancies. There is an important change in this article from the old code. That is: the interconnected floor space is permitted without special protection as long as the building is sprinlered.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Articles need to know!!! #spatialseparation

Articles need to know!!! #spatialseparation

9.10.15. Spatial Separation Between Houses Application

1) This Subsection applies to 
a) buildings that contain only dwelling units and have no dwelling unit above another dwelling unit, and
b) houses with a secondary suite including their common spaces.

2) This Subsection does not apply to hotels or motels.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Article need to know!!! # firewall

Article need to know!!! # firewall Exposure Protection for Adjacent Walls 1) The requirements of Article Shall apply to the external walls of 2 buildings that meet at a firewall at an angle less than 135 degree. This article tells you how to stop a firewall when the building face of two buildings forming a corner.

🔍 When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? 🔍

  🔍 When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? 🔍 Navigating building codes and fire codes can feel like solving a complex puzzle. If ...