Monday, April 20, 2020 Construction of Exposing Building Face and Walls above Exposing Building face

Articles need to know!!! #noncombustiblecladding Construction of Exposing Building Face and Walls above Exposing Building face
2) Except as provided in Sentence (3) to (8), cladding on exposing building face and exterior walls located above exposing building face that enclose an attic or roof space, for buildings or fire compartments where the maximum permitted area of unprotected openings is more than 10% of the exposing building face, need not be noncombustible where the wall assembly complies with the requirements of Clause (1)(b) when tested in conformance with CAN/ULC-S134, "Fire Test of Exterior Wall Assemblies."

Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Doorways and Doors

Articles need to know!!! #barrierfreedoorsize Doorways and Doors
2) Except as required in Article, every doorway that is located in a barrier-free path of travel shall have a clear width not less than 850 mm when the doors are in the open position. Physician Clinics and offices
1) Every doorway that is located in a barrier-free path of travel to a physician clinic or office shall have a clear width not less than 915 mm when the door is in the open position.

Monday, April 13, 2020 Application to Existing Buildings

Articles need to know!!! #existingbuildings Application to Existing Buildings
1) This Article applies to a building that has been built, occupied and used before 01 April 2019
2) If a building is altered, rehabilitated, refurbished, renovated or repaired, the level of life safety and building performance shall not be decreased.
3) Except as specified in Part 10 of Division B, the authority having jurisdiction shall accept any construction or condition that lawfully existed in Alberta before 01 April 2019 if the construction or condition does not constitute an unsafe condition.
4) A change in Occupancy or alteration of any building constructed before 01 April 2019 shall be permitted if the level of safety and building performance proposed are acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.
5) For a building Constructed before 01 April 2019, the authority having jurisdiction may accept an alteration or a proposal that achieves the appropriate level of safety for the specific activity for which the building is to be used.
6) The authority having jurisdiction may accept existing construction not in complete compliance with this Code, in which case it may be accepted, subject to conditions.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

What is a Secondary Suite?

A secondary suite is a self-contained dwelling unit that is part of a house containing not more than two dwelling units (including the secondary suite) and any common spaces such as common storage, common service rooms, common laundry facilities or common areas used for egress. Secondary suites are typically created within an existing single dwelling unit—commonly called a “house”—either constructed as an addition to an existing house or incorporated during the construction of a new house. A secondary suite may have more than one storey and may be on the same level as the principal dwelling unit of the house or be above or below it.
Examples of buildings where secondary suites are permitted include individual detached houses, or where the secondary suite is located in a portion of a building, semi-detached houses (half of a double) and freehold row houses.
Where a building has multiple occupancies, the secondary suite can only be created in a portion of the building that is of residential occupancy. Apartment buildings have more than two dwelling units and are therefore not permitted to have secondary suites.
A secondary suite is only permitted where approved by the local authority, in accordance with municipal land use bylaws.

Monday, April 6, 2020 Access to Above-Grade Storeys

Articles need to know!!! #firefighting Access to Above-Grade Storeys
1) Except for storeys below the first storey, direct access for firefighting shall be provided from the outdoors to every storey that is not sprinklered throughout and whose floor level is less than 25m above grade, by at least one unobstructed window or access panel for each 15m of wall in each wall required to face a street by Section 3.2.2
2) An opening for access required by Sentence (1) shall
a) have a sill no higher than 900mm above the inside floor, and
b) be not less than 1100mm high by not less than
i) 550mm wide for a building not designed for the storage or use of dangerous goods, or
ii) 750mm wide for a building designed for the storage or use of dangerous goods.
3) Access panels above the first storey shall be readily openable from both inside and outside, or the opening shall be glazed with plain glass.

Thursday, April 2, 2020 Minimum Number of Risers

Articles need to know!!! #numberofrisers Minimum Number of Risers
1) Except for stairs within a dwelling unit, at least 3 risers shall be provided in interior flights.

🔍 When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? 🔍

  🔍 When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? 🔍 Navigating building codes and fire codes can feel like solving a complex puzzle. If ...