Tuesday, September 29, 2020 Combustible Projections

 Articles need to know!!! Combustible Projections

1) Combustible material shall not extend across the end of a firewall but is permitted to extend across a roof above a firewall that is terminated in conformance with the Sentence

2) If buildings are separated by a firewall, combustible projections on the exterior of one building, including balconies, platforms, canopies, eave projections and stairs, That extend outward beyond the end of the firewall, shall not be permitted within 2.4m of combustible projections and window or door openings of the adjacent buildings.


When is combustible material permitted to extend across a roof above a firewall?

Friday, September 25, 2020 Parapets Parapets

1) Except as permitted by Sentences (2) and, a firewall shall extend above the roof surface to form a parapet not less than

a) 150 mm high for a firewall required to have a fire-resistance rating not less than 2h

b) 900 mm high for a firewall required to have a fire-resistance rating not less than 4h

2) A firewall that separates 2 buildings with roofs at different elevations need not extend above the upper roof surface to form a parapet, provided the difference in elevation between the roofs is more than 3m.


What will you be looking for to determine if a building is separated by a firewall?

Please leave your answer by comments.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Openings through a Membrane Ceiling

 Articles need to know!!! Openings through a Membrane Ceiling

1) A membrane ceiling forming part of an assembly assigned a fire-resistance rating on the basis of Appendix D is permitted to be penetrated by openings leading into ducts within the ceiling space, provided

a) the ducts are sheet steel, and

b) the number of openings and their protection conform to the requirements of Appendix D


Are recessed lighting fixtures are permitted to penetrate the membrane ceiling with fire resistance rating?

Please leave your answer by comments.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020 Walkway between Buildings

 Articles need to know!!! Walkway between Buildings

1) Except as required by Sentence, if buildings are connected by a walkway, each building shall be separated from the walkway by a fire separation with a fire resistance rating not less than 45min.

Question: Is walkway a public corridor?

Please have your answer by comments.

Thursday, September 3, 2020 Integrity of Exits

 Articles need to know!!! Integrity of Exits

6) An exit shall be designed for no purpose other than for exiting, except that an exit is permitted also to be designed to serve as an access to a floor area.


Does an entrance to a building have to be an exit?

Please leave your answer by comments.

How are plans reviewed? -- #23

 How are plans reviewed? -- #23 Important definition: Secondary Suite Secondary suite means a self-contained dwelling unit located in a buil...