Affordable, fast and accurate! Ask Bing -- The Building Code Consultant and Mentor with experience of code enforcement (12 years in the City of Calgary as Plans Examiner and Safety Codes Officer Engineer, 1 year in the City of Saskatoon as Senior Building Code Engineer, reviewed and approved more than 8000 projects), aims to help building designers and owners saving TIME and MONEY.
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🔍 When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? 🔍
🔍 When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? 🔍 Navigating building codes and fire codes can feel like solving a complex puzzle. If ...
Quiz There are serious code issues in the following picture. How many can you tell based on the description below? It was one of the Winne...
Test to architects and plans examiners Evaluate the architectural design for the carport attached to the existing garage depicted in this ...
Common strategies used to direct water away from building foundations #Rainwater and #snow-melt that do not drain away from a #foundation ...
Some people think that they can use alternative solutions whenever they want if they don't like the requirements in Division B. The facts are:
1. Alternative solutions are not easy solutions.
It is Division B, not alternative solutions, that sets the minimum standard of the Code. Alternative solutions shall be not "well enough", but "as well as" the acceptable solutions. To achieve the minimum level of performance required by Division B, deviation of one way in Division B shall be compensated by another way in alternative solutions.
2. Alternative solutions are not cheap solutions
To compensate the deviation of Division B, the technology and construction method will usually cost more than the traditional way. Besides this, It is extremally expensive to have a detailed fire analysis and modelling when preparing alternative solution itself.
3. 99% of alternative solutions are not required
It is not hard to comply with the requirements of Division B. Unless you are encouraged to try a totally new construction material or technology which is not covered by Division B, alternative solutions are not required. Something must be wrong if you think you need an alternative solution.
4. Professional’s opinions are not acceptable alternative solutions.
Every professional is an expert only at his own professional area. An architect is an expert of building space and appearance; a structural engineer is an expert of structural design. One of their responsibilities is to comply with the code, not to make the code. Their opinions are not alternative solutions recognized by the Code, unless evidences are provided to prove their solutions are equal or better than that required by Division B.
#architect #design #technology #structural #engineer #alternativesolutions