Thursday, June 29, 2023 Unlimited Unprotected Openings

 Important #definition and Code #Article! Unlimited Unprotected Openings

1) An exposing building face in a storage garage with all #storeys constructed as open-air storeys is permitted to have unlimited unprotected openings provided it has a limiting distance not less than 3 m.

#unprotectedopenings #exposingbuildingface #openair #limitingdistance

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tips for #Hiring Professionals

 Tips for #Hiring Professionals

If we are going to hire someone as a #professional, we need to check his Linkedin profile to be sure he has the proper #training and #experience, unless we are comfortable to offer him the training by ourself.
#buildingcodeconsultant #buildingcodeengineer #AHJ

Monday, June 26, 2023

Compartmentation and Exposing Building Face

 Compartmentation and Exposing Building Face

If a building is not divided into fire #compartments, all #windows are assumed to act as #radiating sources, and the area of the exposing building face is assumed to extend from the ground to the top ceiling. If the building is divided into 45 min fire compartments, the exposing building face can be taken as the exterior wall of each fire compartment. This usually results in a smaller limiting distance since the exposing building face is much smaller and the amount of #radiation is therefore less.

Fire separations hinder the rapid spread of fire from one compartment to another. If the fire-resistance rating is sufficiently high, a fire will be contained in the compartment of fire origin until #firefighters are able to extinguish the fire. If there are no fire separations, the entire building face is assumed to expose another building.

#exposingbuildingface #firecompartment #limitingdistance #fireseparation #fireresistancerating

Quoted from Illustrated Users' Guide - NBC2015

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Building Classification

 Have we been asked to provide building classification by the #AHJ? What does it mean?

It means there are serious #Code issues on the #design, such as #construction type, fire separation, #sprinkler system etc. Finding help from a true Building Code Consultant is the most efficient way to resolve the issues.
#buildingclassification #firesepartion #codeconsultant

Thursday, June 22, 2023 Doors between Garages and Dwelling Units Doors between Garages and Dwelling Units 

This Article requires that #doors between a #garage and a #dwelling unit be constructed so as to reduce the passage of #exhaust fumes and gasoline vapours into habitable areas. To reduce this risk, any door from the garage to the house must be #weatherstripped and have an automatic door closer to keep the door from being accidentally left open (Figure 9.10.-22). Since there is always some leakage past the weatherstripping under wind conditions, doors from spaces where people sleep should not have a direct entrance to a garage.

Quoted from Illustrated Users' Guide - NBC2015
#Dwellingunits #doorcloser

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 Wired Glass as a #Closure Wired Glass as a #Closure 

This Article permits, under certain conditions, wired glass to be used as a closure in a vertical fire separation, that will remain in place for at least 45 min, even though it has not been rated in a fire test.

Wired glass and glass block are common types of closures in fire separations. Properly installed, this type of closure can provide a 1 h fire-protection rating. Wired glass must be mounted in steel frames and be structurally supported at suitable intervals (Figure 9.10.-18).

Quote from Illustrated Users' Guide - NBC2015
#wiredglass #fireseparation #glassblock #fireseparation #fireprotectionrating

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Quiz for #architects and plans examiners

 Quiz for #architects and plans examiners

This was a real conversation between a building owner and a fire official. What is wrong with it? What is the proper way to do it?
#plansexaminers #buildingowner #fireofficial #occupancy #residential #commercial

Thursday, June 15, 2023 Protection of #Soffits Protection of #Soffits

This Article sets the requirements for soffits above windows to delay the entry of fire into an #attic space, so that a #building can be safely evacuated, and that firefighting can be facilitated by keeping the fire contained within the suite in which it originated. Fire issuing out of a #window close to a soffit can enter the attic space through a soffit vent, or by burning through the soffit. If the attic space is common to a number of #residential suites, an attic fire can involve all units simultaneously and render the separations between them useless. This risk is reduced by not locating soffit #vents in the vicinity of windows, and by making the soffits more fire resistant.

Quoted from Illustrated Users' Guide - NBC2015

Monday, June 5, 2023

Alternative solutions

 Friendly reminder!

Although using alternative solutions is one way to comply with the building code, we must be cautious before considering about it.
#alternativesolutions #buildingcode #savemoney

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Storage garage

 Important #definition!

Parking vehicles under an open main floor will make it a storage #garage. A fire separation with 1.5 h fire resistance rating is required between the storage garage and other #occupancies of the #building.

#storagegarage #fireseparation #fireresistance

🔍 When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? 🔍

  🔍 When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? 🔍 Navigating building codes and fire codes can feel like solving a complex puzzle. If ...