Required Fire Blocks in Concealed Spaces
Affordable, fast and accurate! Ask Bing -- The Building Code Consultant and Mentor with experience of code enforcement (12 years in the City of Calgary as Plans Examiner and Safety Codes Officer Engineer, 1 year in the City of Saskatoon as Senior Building Code Engineer, reviewed and approved more than 8000 projects), aims to help building designers and owners saving TIME and MONEY.
Thursday, August 31, 2023 Required Fire Blocks in Concealed Spaces
Saturday, August 26, 2023
How are plans reviewed? —#011
How are plans reviewed? —#011
Sprinkler systems are expensive. Not all #designers understand when sprinkler systems are required in a #building. The plans examiners would never tell us that it is not required if it is shown on the #plans. Ask a true Building Code consultant before installing it.
#sprinklersystem #plansexaminers #buildingcodeconsultant
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 Required Fire Blocks in Concealed Spaces Required Fire Blocks in Concealed Spaces
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Quiz for #architects, plans examiners and building inspectors
Quiz for #architects, plans examiners and building inspectors
What is special on the #roof of this #building? What was the purpose of the architect by designing it in this way? Are there any #Code violations?
#plansexaminer #buildinginspector #buildingofficial #buildingcode
Friday, August 18, 2023 Required Fire Blocks in Concealed Spaces Required Fire Blocks in Concealed Spaces
Thursday, August 17, 2023
How are plans reviewed?—#010
How are plans reviewed?—#010
Why do we have to be cautious before jumping into the bottomless hole of an alternative solution? The following quote from a #recruitment post for a Building Code Consultant will reveal the truth:
"You will be responsible for reviewing #building #plans for #code compliance, preparing correspondence and technical reports, identifying #opportunities for Alternative Solutions"
#alternativesolution #buildingcodeconsultant
Monday, August 14, 2023
How are plans reviewed?--#009
How are plans reviewed?--#009
The Implication of one common #deficiency comment: please provide building classification.
If we are asked to provide building classification, it means that there are serious #Code issues on the #design, such as #construction type, fire separation, fire resistance rating, #sprinkler system etc. The plans examiner doesn't want say that we have no clue of the design, but kindly remind us to rethink about it. Finding help from a true Building Code Consultant is the most efficient way to resolve the issues.
#buildingclassification #firesepartion #codeconsultant #plansexaminer #buildingcodeconsultant
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Questions for #structural #engineers
Questions for #structural #engineers
How much do you like this #design?
What is the load path from the #cantilevered #slab to the #columns?
#loadpath #concretedesign #buildingcode #structuralengineer
Thursday, August 10, 2023
How are plans reviewed?--#008
How are plans reviewed?--#008
Building classification is the most important part of building #design. It determines:
The building area
The building height
The #construction types
The fire resistance rating of load bearing elements
The #sprinkler system
#buildingclassification #buildingarea #buildingheight #fireresistancerating #loadbearing
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Quiz for #architects and plans examiners
Quiz for #architects and plans examiners
This is an emergency #exit plan of a #basement #garage with dwelling units. Can you tell one Code violation on the plan by comments?
#plansexaminer #dwellingunits #buildingcode #quiz
🔍 When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? 🔍
🔍 When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? 🔍 Navigating building codes and fire codes can feel like solving a complex puzzle. If ...
Quiz There are serious code issues in the following picture. How many can you tell based on the description below? It was one of the Winne...
Test to architects and plans examiners Evaluate the architectural design for the carport attached to the existing garage depicted in this ...
Common strategies used to direct water away from building foundations #Rainwater and #snow-melt that do not drain away from a #foundation ...