Saturday, October 28, 2023 Protection around Cooktops Protection around #Cooktops

Because of the risk of #stovetop fires, combustible wall framing, #finishes and #cabinets within 450 mm (17 3/4 in.) of the area where a gas or electric cooktop is to be located must be protected above the level of the heating elements or burners by a material providing #fire resistance at least equivalent to that provided by 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) thickness of gypsum board (see Figure 9.10.-42). #Counter-top splash boards and back plates are exempted from this requirement.

Quoted from Illustrated Users' Guide - NBC2015

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Unprotected Openings (NBC Article and Glazed Openings (NBC Article

 Unprotected Openings (NBC Article and Glazed Openings (NBC Article

NBC Subsection 9.10.14. uses the term “unprotected opening.” It means any #opening other than one equipped with a #closure having the required fire-protection rating, or any part of a #wall forming part of the exposing building face that has a fire-resistance rating less than that required for the exposing building face. Unprotected openings include windows, #doors and openings for #electrical and #mechanical services.

NBC Subsection 9.10.15. uses the term “glazed opening.” Glazed openings include windows and glazed portions of doors. The area of glazed openings is measured to the rough opening of the window or door, not to the edges of the #glazing.

The area of unprotected or glazed openings allowed on a building face is based on the distance from an exposing building face to a property line, the centre line of a #street or public thoroughfare, or an imaginary line between two buildings or two fire compartments on the same #property (Figure 9.10.-26).

Quoted from Illustrated Users' Guide -- NBC2015
#unprotectedopening #glazedopening #fireprotection #exposingbuildingface #fireresistancerating #roughopening #propertyline #firecompartment

Saturday, October 14, 2023 Location of Smoke Alarms Location of Smoke Alarms

A smoke alarm is not required on each level in a #split-level dwelling unit given that each level does not count as a separate #storey. However, where the sleeping areas are on two levels of a single storey in a split-level #dwelling unit, an additional smoke alarm must be installed so that both areas are protected (Figure 9.10.-41).

Quoted from Illustrated Users' Guide -- NBC2015
#smokealarm #dewellingunit #buildingcode

Saturday, October 7, 2023

How are plans reviewed?—#013

 How are plans reviewed?—#013

Signs of no service:

The #AHJ didn't provide service, If you got a Building Plans Review #Report from the AHJ with more than 10 permit conditions,  but none of which was related to your #plans, or if your building permits were approved without being asked to provide any #drawings.

Review plans and conduct field #inspections are the key services the AHJ should provide to the building permit #applicants.  However, some people like the money, but are not willing to provide #service.

#permitconditions #buildingpermit

Thursday, October 5, 2023 Location of Smoke Alarms Location of Smoke Alarms

This Article indicates where smoke alarms are required in dwelling units. Since the prime purpose of a smoke alarm is to wake the sleeping #occupants in the #suite in which the fire originated, smoke alarms are installed in each #bedroom and in the #hallway that serves them. To avoid any delay in warning due to the time it takes for #smoke to travel from #storey to storey, and to allow for the fact that other habitable rooms can be used for #sleeping, additional smoke detectors must be installed on other storeys, including #basements.

A smoke alarm installed in the living area and wired to sound another smoke alarm located near bedrooms is the ideal solution (Figure 9.10.-40).

Quoted from Illustrated Users' Guide -- NBC2015

#smokealarm #dwelingunit #smokedetector

How are plans reviewed? -- #23

 How are plans reviewed? -- #23 Important definition: Secondary Suite Secondary suite means a self-contained dwelling unit located in a buil...