Required Dampproofing
Affordable, fast and accurate! Ask Bing -- The Building Code Consultant and Mentor with experience of code enforcement (12 years in the City of Calgary as Plans Examiner and Safety Codes Officer Engineer, 1 year in the City of Saskatoon as Senior Building Code Engineer, reviewed and approved more than 8000 projects), aims to help building designers and owners saving TIME and MONEY.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023 Required Dampproofing
Saturday, December 23, 2023
The control of moisture
The control of moisture
There are four sources of #moisture associated with #foundations:
(1) surface water,
(2) soil moisture,
(3) groundwater, and
(4) construction materials moisture.
Surface #water from #rain and #snow-melt is controlled through the use of #eavestroughing and #grading.
Soil moisture, in the form of water or water #vapour, is controlled by #dampproofing materials and #drainage.
Where the #groundwater table is high enough to cause hydrostatic pressure against the foundation, it is controlled by #waterproofing combined with a structural design capable of resisting water pressures.
Construction moisture, principally water in concrete, is best controlled by allowing adequate #curing and drying time before enclosing.
Quoted from Illustrated Users' Guide - NBC2015
Sunday, December 10, 2023
The Control of Moisture
The Control of Moisture
The control of #moisture transfer through #foundations is needed to prevent damage to the interior finish material and #basement contents, and to protect the long-term integrity of the #building structure. The measures that are used to control moisture transfer through foundation walls are also intended to control indoor #humidity levels and contribute to the reduction of soil gas and #radon entry into #basements, thereby contributing to a healthy interior environment.
Quoted from Illustrated Users' Guide - NBC2015
Sunday, December 3, 2023 Support of Footings Support of Footings
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🔍 When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? 🔍 Navigating building codes and fire codes can feel like solving a complex puzzle. If ...
Quiz There are serious code issues in the following picture. How many can you tell based on the description below? It was one of the Winne...
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Common strategies used to direct water away from building foundations #Rainwater and #snow-melt that do not drain away from a #foundation ...