Saturday, March 16, 2024 Fire Dampers Fire Dampers

This Article provides requirements for devices that enable #ducts penetrating a fire separation to be closed in the event of fire, so as to prevent fire spread across a fire separation. In most cases, a duct that penetrates an #assembly required to be a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating needs to be equipped with a fire damper.

Where a duct passes completely through a rated fire separation, it provides a potential #passageway for fire and hot gases. To maintain the integrity of the separation, a fire damper is usually required in the plane of the separation. This device is also required to have a fire-protection rating. It is normally held in the open position by a #fusible link, and is installed so that it will stay in place if the duct collapses (Figure 9.10.-19). The fusible link and damper must be accessible for #testing and #inspection.

#firedamper #fireseparation #fireprotectionrating #fusiblelink Access Access This Article requires an #access opening to permit periodic inspection where an #attic or roof space is high enough to pe...