Wednesday, May 15, 2024

 Window openings in foundation wall

Window openings in a #foundation wall weaken the ability of the wall to resist inward #pressures. Any horizontal earth pressure on the portion of the wall beneath the #window must be resisted by the weight of the #wall, or be transferred to the #masonry or #concrete on either side of the #opening. As the width of an individual window increases, the masonry or concrete becomes less able to transfer these #loads, and a point is reached where the wall beneath the window may be pushed inward.

If windows are too close together, there is an insufficient amount of wall to withstand the load transferred from the wall beneath the window. This also must be controlled. Even if the openings are kept relatively small and reasonably spaced, however, as the percentage of wall openings increases, the overall strength of the wall decreases, and failure could occur.

When a foundation wall contains an opening greater than 1.2 m (4 ft.) in length, or contains openings whose combined total length exceeds 25% of the total wall length, then the portion of the wall beneath such openings is considered laterally #unsupported, and the wall around the opening must be reinforced to withstand the earth pressure. In addition, when the length of solid wall between openings is less than the average length of the openings it separates, the openings are considered as a single opening. These conditions are shown in Figure 9.15.-14.

Quoted from Illustrated Users' Guide - NBC2015
#foundationwall #earthpressure 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

How are plans reviewed? -- #18

 How are plans reviewed? -- #18

How did you find a designer for your tenant space alteration? Had you been considering hiring a code expert to help you saving time and money?

I was a professional plans examiner in the City of Calgary. I reviewed and approved more than 8000 #projects in the past 12 years. I found one fact that more than 50% of the building permit #plans have to be on hold after the preliminary review. Some of them are on hold for more than one year to get approved. The main reason for this kind of delay is that the designers have difficulties to understand the building code requirements.

Unfortunately, as business or building #owners, they don't have any idea of which designer is the best for their job. Their might pick one from the yellow pages randomly or be attracted by one with fancy name or website. It is really hard to avoid a disastrous result.

Another fact I found is that up to 80% of projects, including interior renovations, #additions and new #buildings have the space to save at least 20% of the construction #cost. Thinking about an unnecessary fire separation, the cost can be saved is more than 50% of that wall.  If you can use #wood studs instead of #steel studs for your #partitions, you can save more than 40% of the studs cost.

One example I have reviewed recently is a six storey new building. It was designed as a #noncombustible building. I found if we could make the grade 600mm higher, the whole building can be built as #combustible building. The cost saving is more than a million.

One of the extreme projects I found is a primary #school building. The Building area is more than 3000sqm. The cost of the building is more than 30 million. It should be built as noncombustible building as per the building code, but it is actually built with combustible materials. What a danger to the school kids and what a waste of the money!

I hope this question is helpful when you plan to hire a designer for your next project. No matter which designer you are going to hire, it will be beneficial to have a Building Code expert to back you up.  At least, we might know if you have to avoid that designer for your project. 😁

#plansexaminer #buildingpermit #preliminaryreview #buildingcode #fireseparation #primaryschool #Buildingarea

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 Foundation Walls Considered to be Laterally Supported at the Top Foundation Walls Considered to be Laterally Supported at the Top

Exterior foundation walls are considered #laterally supported at the top if: 

  • they support solid #masonry construction, 
  • #joists are embedded in the top of the #foundation wall, or 
  • a #floor system is anchored to the top of the foundation wall. 

These conditions are illustrated in Figure 9.15.-13.

Quoted from Illustrated Users' Guide - NBC2015

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Footing Thickness Footing Thickness

When a #footing supports a foundation, the soil exerts a pressure beneath the footing. Where a footing is wider than the foundation wall (or column) it supports, the portion that projects beyond the wall (or column base) is bent upward. If unreinforced, such footings tend to fail along #shear lines that extend downward at an angle of about 45ΒΊ from the face of the wall. To be within this shear line, therefore, the footing projection is limited to the footing #thickness, unless the footing projection is reinforced. 

If the supported loads require very wide footings, their thickness may become excessive. The cost of additional #excavation and #concrete may justify the use of reinforcing or other appropriate measures to reduce the thickness of the footing.

The concrete footing thickness, T, must be at least equal to the footing #projection, P (unless the footing is reinforced), and be not less than 100 mm (4 in.) (Figure 9.15.-8). Note that as special soil conditions or footing loads increase, so must footing thickness. 

Quoted from Illustrated Users' Guide - NBC2015

πŸ” When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? πŸ”

  πŸ” When Do You Need a Professional Plans Examiner? πŸ” Navigating building codes and fire codes can feel like solving a complex puzzle. If ...